
Police NCO Degen by WKC.

Edged Weapons.
Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons. Edged Weapons.

Polizei WKC made sword

Ebony grip with 80%

original finish remaining

with polizei insignia insert

Nickel plated "D" guard

Acorn and oak leaf design

above hilt. Very good

sharp and bright blade.

SS runes marked ricasso

to one side and the

opposite maker marked

"WKC". Black painted

scabbard with a Wotan's

Knot nickel plated design

near the throat. Scabbard

in very nice condition

with at least 75% original paint remaining. Overall length 37 1/2 inches,grip is bit a loose, very, very fine Degen.

Positive SSL