
A Miniature RAD, Subordinate's Hewer, by KRONENKREBS.

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A Miniature,extremely rare,RAD(National Labor Service) Subordinate's Hewer by Kronenkrebs - Solingen ,measures 215mm in length with the scabbard on,featuring a 123mm nickel-plated steel blade, magnetic, remaining bright and crisp. The obverse of the blade is engraved with the inscription "Arbeit adelt"- (Work Ennobles) RAD moto,reverse is maker marked "KRONENKREBS-SOLINGEN.Scabbard is nickel-plated steel,magnetic,with the RAD looped-ornate design.A realy choice example here. Miniature examples of most edged weapons were produced to be used as a letter openers or desk ornaments,they are referred to as half-size or quarter-size examples. The larger size examples are generally of higher quality,also known the Miniature was given to the customers as gifts.

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